Shoppers Drug Mart de Winnipeg

CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



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43, Marion Street, R2H 0S8, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 204-233-8458
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8822404, Longitude: -97.1269786

commentaires 5

  • en

    Elle Emily


    I was in the store at 9:30pm. I needed tape because I am packing for a move. I went to the post office section, picked up a pack of 4 rolls of tape, priced at 7.99$. Went to the front counter. Waited in line. Only to find out that the cashiers at the front of the store can not sell post office stock as their “system won’t recognize it”. The cashier told me I had to go back and find the other rolls of tape, that are sold in singles at the price of 2.99$ each. A difference of 4$. Normally the 4$ would never bother me, but the cashier straight up refused to find a way to sell me this 4 pack of tape. Which is still on the sales floor after 9pm. As a customer, if you have a product on the sales floor, the customer should be able to buy it. Or take it off the floor at 9pm when the post office closes. To make matters worse, I had to go walk around the store to find where the tape they could sell me was. Overall this was a really poor experience as a customer. And it’s silly that I’m this irritated over tape. It’s tape!!!. It’s a difference of 4$!?! But the tape is just a small fraction of what made my irritation level exponentially increase. The lack of “can do” attitude from the cashier, the lack of solution oriented customer focus, and the fact that you have the product on the floor but you can’t sell it. That last one absolutely blows my mind. I have worked retail for almost 20 years, and I have never refused to sell somebody something because it won’t recognize in the system. Sell it as an alternate sku, fix it the next day. That would have been a better solution. It’s not rocket science.

  • biggestguns sharyk

    biggestguns sharyk


    Polite, helpful staff. Good selection of household goods.

  • Hash Info

    Hash Info


    Friendly staff great service great parking pharmacies always warm and welcoming all you need hear everything you need in a day you can purchase at Shoppers Drug Mart great prices friendly staff always deals Shoppers Drug Mart Rewards program is a great option to sign up for your rewards card today start making money basically this is one of my favorite locations of all time

  • White Lion Athletics

    White Lion Athletics


    Top Notch customer service in the Post Office! Super helpful, very knowledgeable and friendly! Every visit is stress, even during bust hours! Thank you for the awesome!

  • Moe Feakes

    Moe Feakes


    one of my favorite places to shop! It is almost one stop, stress free shopping. Alicia at cosmetics is awesome. Great variety of vitamins and cruelty free cosmetics and products. All of the staff are always friendly and helpful. God Bless you

Pharmacie la plus proche

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