Shoppers Drug Mart de Toronto

CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



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388, King Street West, M5V 1K2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-597-6550
site web:
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Latitude: 43.6461155, Longitude: -79.3924727

commentaires 5

  • en

    George Murphy


    I go there to pickup my packages from Canada Post. I have never been disappointed.

  • en

    Ali Hussain


    Usually this place is good but they really need to train there staff to help with ridiculous self checkout machines. The machine was showing the error and indicated that the help from staff was needed. The busy lady on the counter asked us to click ok and that was the end of it, "no help" was provide. I asked if they could help with it. 2 staff members were not doing anything except looking around and ignoring us. I had no choice except leave with what the machine allowed us to buy.

  • en



    Overall this is a good location, conveniently located for me and has all the basic pharmacy needs for me. Also nice to have a post office and selection of basic groceries that I need. One aspect that I CANNOT stand is that every time I enter the store, the security guard always follows me, not even in a subtle manner. Maybe its my casual look or racism. But I feel like I am a criminal every time I walk into the store. This is happened to me EVERY single time I go into the store as I have been for the last 3 years. I'm getting sick and tired to being treated this way and I will stop going to this location if this keeps happening.

  • Yvonne580



    I had not one, but TWO awful experiences at this Shoppers. I would like to suggest a change in the way your makeup section staff approach the customers. I recently shopped twice at the store on King and Peter and felt really really uncomfortable. I was approached by a staff both times telling me that, "I can cash you out once you're done shopping," without saying, "How are you?" or anything else. The second time of my visit, the staff followed me around the store and gave me an impression that she had to spy on me as if she thinks I wouldn't not pay for the products. I felt very uncomfortable and discriminated. I got offended and decided to pay at the regular counter. She took the products off my hands and insisted me to go with her at the makeup section counter. I was upset at this point so I asked her why they always tell me to cash out at the makeup section. Though she explained to me that it helps with her sales number or commission, I still felt the need to make people aware this is not okay. I am sure that many people would feel offended and uncomfortable when they are told "I can cash you out when you're done," without any indication of what it really means. As if I don't know I need to pay for things and also followed around without privacy and time to pick out what I want. I feel my rights as a customer are violated. I think this really should not happen ever again. Please train your staff properly and let them know this way of approaching customers not only doesn't work but it will always cause problems for both parts.

  • Bob Garrish

    Bob Garrish


    They sell food. Quite a bit of food. Probably more than you'd expect in a drug store, even some produce (though it's packaged, of course). If you want to be able to get staples, at reasonable prices, then Shoppers is a pretty great option for downtown without needing to get in your car. You're not going to find seasonal fresh fruit or steaks, but they've got rye bread and more than two kinds of cheese, so it'll get you by. It's also, I've heard, everything you want in a drug store. Which means you walk in with a prescription and then they fill it. And you can get makeup and baby supplies. And a little post office. So they've also got that.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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