Shooters Sports Pub de Prince George

CanadaShooters Sports Pub



🕗 horaire

1970, Ospika Boulevard South, V2N 4W5, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-562-9888
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.9059081, Longitude: -122.7967492

commentaires 5

  • Ryan Wilson

    Ryan Wilson


    Great place for conversation... there was only 3 of us there!

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    Don Neufeld


    Great food and service.

  • Adrian Batho

    Adrian Batho


    Standard pub fare, mediocre beer selection. Great staff and decent service.

  • Dylan Mitchell

    Dylan Mitchell


    Everything here is ok service is ok food is ok drinks are ok. Nothing stand out I would only recommend if you are pre gaming for a concert or in the area and need some food or drink don't go out of your way to come here.

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    Gayle Schanck


    We were traveling through & needed a place to watch the NBA game. We called & they said they would have it on for us. Extremely accommodating and friendly. Had a few beers & enjoyed the game.

Bar la plus proche

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