Shoe Box de Ottawa

CanadaShoe Box


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173, Sparks Street, K1P 5B9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-232-2298
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4217681, Longitude: -75.7001534

commentaires 1

  • I.nicole Coulombe

    I.nicole Coulombe


    I was looking for shoes that looked good...AND were comfortable. i bought 4 pairs of nice looking footwear(2 shoes and two boots). I am sooo incredibly happy. Not only do the shoes look "sharp", they are comfortable for many hours. Today I wore the winter boots and I looked well dressed and extremely warm and extremely comfortable, I could definitely walk for hours in them in the cold without cold or sore feet. Thank you for importing high quality footwear that looks fantastic AND is comfortable. I will continue to buy my footwear from only, the Shoe Box, ottawa.

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