Sheridan College de Oakville

CanadaSheridan College



🕗 horaire

1430, Trafalgar Road, L6H 2L1, Oakville, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-845-9430
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.469015, Longitude: -79.698624

commentaires 5

  • Aryan Dabas

    Aryan Dabas


    The Sheridan College is really amazing for Business Students. They really help us. I feel very proud to be the part of Sheridan College. Our every problem is solved by the staff and teachers.

  • R H C

    R H C


    0 stars school guilty of extortion, breaking of the fourth wall and invasion of privacy who know what else... yikes. School teaches very little industry standard content and feels like a day care. one star for all the free time to figure technical stuff out on your own, plus the work loads super light.

  • Roxane Gabriela

    Roxane Gabriela


    I am current Bachelor of Game Design student at the Trafalgar campus, and I am in love with the school for its community and content. Sheridan had been my dream school since my family and I moved to the area in 2008, and it has definitely lived up to all my expectations. I am the happiest I've ever been and it's largely in part of the amazing staff and student community at Sheridan. The curriculum is relevant, updated, and useful. I feel absolutely privileged to be able to attend such an amazing school.

  • Amuleek Reehal

    Amuleek Reehal


    Great collage. Looks great and very beautiful in summer. Also they have special rooms for students to sleep in. They have a library, computer lab, basketball court (indoor), gym (indoor), etc.

  • Bob Joe

    Bob Joe


    Sheridan is a good school, but could definitely use some improvements. Overall the students and faculty were great and put in decent effort to help me excel. Like with everyone, nobody is perfect. Striving for that will make this place amazing. For starters, the social life is lacking. I joined one club and went to the gym which was great, but pushing for the student body to have an impact and more say (publicly) would help to expand this. There was no casual sports (only formal) or numerous events outside of the pub so my social life was mostly built outside of the campus. The programs I took weren't objectively rewarding. There were students dropping out of courses to get a headway in others which put me at a disadvantage staying in them, rather than an advantage (as stated). I will praise the administration because it wasn't very bureaucratic like most schools in terms of I rarely visited them. And the school itself was nice and did its job. But overall I sit on the fence with Sheridan.

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