Sharky's Scuba Supply de Ottawa

CanadaSharky's Scuba Supply



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1226, Wellington Street West, K1Y 3A1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-728-0188
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3998101, Longitude: -75.7315052

commentaires 5

  • en

    Didier Pitre


    Sharkey's severely lacks and customer service, I was spoken to very rudely whenever I went in. I can honestly say that the classes were great but going in the store probably one of the most unpleasant experiences in my life.

  • en

    Michael Phillips


    In reply to Jason; I just happened to be at Sharky's Scuba Supply on that date and time to purchase a wet suit. I do not work for Sharky's Scuba Supply but I do teach at the dive shop. The recreational diving regulations governing the province of Quebec are not well understood by most and very limited information and clarifications regarding these regulations are available in English. When you ask for Certificate (or permit) to dive in Quebec the Sharky's associate went with what the Quebec regulations call for with respect to a Certificate ... which you could not provide. Sharky's has nothing to do with the Quebec regulations except to apply them as mandated by the province of Quebec. When my wife who was at the dive shop for the same reason as I, overheard your conversation; she said to the associate "they want a Quebec temporary tourist certificate of equivalence". I then said, yes ! that is what they need. The Sharky's Team and I had the three of you with newly issued Quebec temporary tourist certificate of equivalence in 5 minutes or less. That I think is very good would you not say so ! As for your comments of elitist. The shop is located in the windowless basement of a hardware store. If any individual that is part of the Sharky`s Team felt elitist they would not be working in a windowless basement. Sharky`s does however have a huge inventory on hand. I feel that, after a long drive from Kingston, you may just have had an exasperating experience with respect to the Quebec regulations governing scuba diving and should give Sharky`s a second chance. After all, you did get to dive on that day ! In addition Sharky`s very seldom issues `Quebec temporary tourist certificate of equivalence`.

  • Jason G

    Jason G


    This place is very clique-y. If you're not part of their crew they speak to you like you're a nuisance. They also make something that should be simple very difficult and annoying by being elitist snobs about it. Something as simple as getting a tourist pass to dive in Quebec quickly becomes an investigation in to whether having a dive master certification is sufficient to warrant getting the license if you don't have your log book with you to prove 10 dives and how you probably use your dive computer to fake your dives. Then if you ask if they have something they do not, you'll get a speech about how what you want is stupid and they speak to you like you're an idiot for wanting something they don't carry. Then on top of that they are super expensive. The dive reel I bought from my local shop was twice as much here. I'll never go back.

  • en

    Peter Noel


    I've been dealing with the people at Sharkys for many years. It's always been a great experience, great staff and great instructors. I've found the staff to be super honest, stearing me away from gear they didn't feel would be right for me, offering suggestions for gear that would better suit my recreational and technical diving needs. The owner has many many years of diving, in all conditions and I would rate him one as one of the safest instructors you will find.

  • Karin Goerner

    Karin Goerner


    The staff and the instructors are always patient and helpful, though sometimes a bit busy. Helped me find a mask that felt good, and to get over my initial panic when learning to dive.

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