Sequoia Coffee de Victoria

CanadaSequoia Coffee



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675 Belleville Street, (The Royal BC Museum), Victoria, BC V8W 1A1, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 778-265-9363
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4198203, Longitude: -123.367397

commentaires 5

  • Richard Elias

    Richard Elias


    It's ok for lunch. Certainly nothing special, but gets the job done.

  • en

    Mani Rahnama


    Very friendly staff. Beautiful latte art. Good choices and decent pricing.

  • Natasha Clark

    Natasha Clark


    Sequoia has a nice, small curation of salads, sandwiches and sweet treats. The vegetable egg sandwich on English muffins is very good. The beet and goat cheese salad with yummy dressing is especially good considering I don't like beets. But it's the cornflake, marshmallow fluff, chocolate chip cookie that you need to eat. It. Is. The. Perfect. Cookie. It's salty, sweet, crunchy just along the edges with caramelized marshmallow, and it's chewy. The lemon square is also perfectly tart-sweet. If you're trying to avoid sugar in your diet, living so close to Sequoia is a nuisance.

  • en

    Amanda Robins


    While this coffee shop obviously caters to museum-goers, the regulars are primarily government employees from the surrounding offices (who get a discount!). The coffee is pretty good, the prices are a bit high, but the service is excellent. They are fast, efficient and you never have to wait long for your gourmet coffee to be ready. The tasty treats are tasty - I love the power spheres! It's a great place to unwind briefly before heading back to the office.

  • Jen Mich

    Jen Mich


    I never expect much from coffee shop food, but I was starving and decided to grab a quick bite and take a break from the museum. The falafel wrap was really, really good! Restaurant quality! And so was the chicken Caesar salad. Good coffee as well.

Café la plus proche

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