Seoul Restaurant de Saskatoon

CanadaSeoul Restaurant



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334, 20th Street West, S7M 0X2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-652-2310
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1262608, Longitude: -106.6745906

commentaires 5

  • ARTY Pshenishniy

    ARTY Pshenishniy


    Food is AMAZING, absolutely love it. A little pricey but I think it's worth it

  • Luke Warman

    Luke Warman


    Excellent experience. The staff were patient and kind with our group. Terrific food, excellent service.

  • Braydon York

    Braydon York


    We had a great meal here. The BBQ was delicious and we got to try some Korean beer I've never seen before. Service was on point. We'll be back for sure.

  • Michael Farris

    Michael Farris


    First time visit. Large and spicy portions. Wonderful value which left a sense of well-being in my mouth. As the only non-koreans in the room, I am pretty sure this is authentic! Recommended!

  • Angie Kim

    Angie Kim


    Seoul Restaurant is unmatched in the quality of service and authenticity of the finest Korean cuisine. If you want to experience the best of what Saskatoon has to offer, definitely check out this little gem. I always come back 120% satisfied!

Restaurant la plus proche

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