Selam Grocery de Winnipeg

CanadaSelam Grocery



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714 Ellice Ave, R3G 0B1, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-772-2662
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8930052, Longitude: -97.1640409

commentaires 5

  • dharma teja

    dharma teja


  • en

    David Janzen


  • en

    Lekan Olatunde


    Variety of products available

  • en

    jack memo


    I went here with a few friends looking to buy some chips and we started chatting with the owner and his wife, they were very kind people and we ended up talking about Ethiopia and the different types of food with them. After about 40 minutes of chatting with the owners my friends and I bought a bunch of Ethiopian foods and spices. We learned a lot about their culture and they were cool about explaining everything, definitely a good experience and my friends and I will for sure be coming back soon. HIGHLY RECOMMEND GOING THERE.

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    Awhile ago I stopped going because the lady ripped me off. She over heard what my brother had in the bank, then she charged us what was in his bank account. Then recently we needed change. So I thought I would forgive them. I went there just for some change for laundry. just 4quarters and two loonies. She said: "I have no change" What kind of place doesn't have change? So just cross Ellice to the 'Discount Everything' they're very nice every time.

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