Seamless Transition de Edmonton

CanadaSeamless Transition


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🕗 horaire

Suite 2020 (Scotia Place Tower 1) 10060 Jasper Ave., Edmonton, AB T6J 3R8, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 780-665-5351
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.541296, Longitude: -113.492627

commentaires 3

  • Lorain



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    Cathy Smith


    We were so stressed in Dec when my mom needed to move. She had 50 years of stuff in her house. They came in and downsized with so much care and compassion. Then they packed everything up and moved mom to a smaller home. They unpacked and put away everything and even made her bed. Thanks so much for making this a great experience for my super stressed family!

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    Anne Lenard


    I was worried about moving into assisted living from my home of 30+ years but Seamless Transition's head coordinator was very knowledgable, warm and efficient when liquidating, reducing and organizing my belongings to make the process of both moving into and selling my home stress free.

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