Scotiabank Theatre de Winnipeg

CanadaScotiabank Theatre


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817, St James St, R3G 3L3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-774-1001
site web:
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Latitude: 49.8876091, Longitude: -97.2000404

commentaires 5

  • en

    Stacy Ebear


    Movie was amazing in 3d Imax. The actual chairs you sit in dont compare well with other theatres like grant park

  • en

    Olawole Ayodipe


    Recliner Chairs are quite comfortable, They should inform customers that the popcorn they make is the salty type. I kinda was expecting sweet popcorn. It ended up in the bin.

  • Paul Derbyshire

    Paul Derbyshire


    First time to theatre. Advertises pizza pizzza, No pizza pizza at all. No sound in theatre 6. Got a refund. Wasted my afternoon off. Never to return. Better off staying in and streaming.

  • en

    Clinton John James


    Over my 14 years or so of visiting Winnipeg, I’ve always seen movies at this theatre. The staff has always been polite and helpful. The theatres are clean. The sound system is very clear. The seats very comfortable. I would highly recommend putting the money out to experience the 3-D IMAX theatres.

  • Erin Amy

    Erin Amy


    This is my go to theatre and I've never had any problems. Theatres have always been cleaned after the shows. Seats are comfy, lines are usually long but they move pretty quick. Overall a great theatre

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