Scotiabank de Victoria




🕗 horaire

3521, Blanshard Street, V8Z 0B9, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-953-8050
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4558995, Longitude: -123.3741278

commentaires 5

  • en

    Gail Bishop


    Just reflecting what everybody states phone service is terrible. Someone was supposed to phone me back immediately -took a week. And when I did talk to someone they were horrible. Wouldn't recommend this branch at all go somewhere else with better customer service.

  • Ocean Master

    Ocean Master


    The only real problem I have with Scotia Bank is that they have the Absolute WORST Phone system I've ever seen. When you call a branch you can't speak to anyone because they don't have the phone system set up to direct you to the person in the actual branch. Instead you get put on HOLD and nobody ever answers........EVER. My guess is that you don't actually get re-directed to anyone and you get put into a LIMBO state in the automated phone system. Also when you call the 24 Hour banking line on a weekend and need to speak to someone a recording comes on saying "Sorry we're closed and will re-open on Monday" I mean what bank has a automated 24 Hour phone line that is only in service Monday-Friday?........what a joke.

  • Karen Kramer

    Karen Kramer


    When this branch was on Cordova Bay they were the best in the city, since the move their service keeps getting worse. You NEVER get replies to emails and the phone system to call in is an absolute joke! I will be switching to another bank very soon

  • C S

    C S


    Financial advising lacks efficient communication at this branch. Multiple e-mails and phone calls left without a response. No follow up to appointment inquiries.

  • en

    Envy Dog


    Worst service I've had in a while anywhere. This bank told me I had to go to the other branch across town as the had to verify a signature. This is 2017 why should I have to drive across a city to verify anything that is in a computer database. Then I get to the other branch and they tell me totally different information. So happy I don't do my regular banking here. Scotia = headache.

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