Save-On-Foods de Victoria




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3958, Shelbourne Street, V8N 3E2, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-477-2433
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4695072, Longitude: -123.334169

commentaires 5

  • Craig Verrall

    Craig Verrall


    Easy in and got what I wanted to buy decent prices

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    Khaled Helal


    Reasonable price with More card. Very expensive without the card. Anyway, it has good quality products but don't buy anything without More card :).

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    John Brum


    Friendly staff and clean store. Usually has everything you need and staff willing to go out of there way to find what you need. Nice deli section with lots to choose from.

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    Miss G


    Consistently have been many holes in their inventory when I visit, and the staff on the floor were quite inexperienced. 3 failed grocery trips is more than I have time for. I'd really like to just be able to pick up what I need for dinner after going to the gym next door, but if you never have what I need then why bother?

  • james eccles

    james eccles


    This is one of Victoria's secret spots to get a great sub sandwich. It's always loaded and you can customize it to your preference. Also the grocies are competitively priced.

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