Save-On-Foods de Vancouver




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2308, Cambie Street, V5Z 2T8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 604-876-7005
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2646753, Longitude: -123.1144525

commentaires 5

  • WestEnd Miss

    WestEnd Miss


    If you're expecting, "Go the extra mile" service their tagline promises, you're going to be disappointed. Particularly speaking about the delivery service. I'm not sure what it is about picking out produce that produces such a challenge to the shoppers, but it does! Inevitably, there's always something missing off the shopping list that I've ordered, or there's a problem with the expiry dates on items like dairy, as well as the aforementioned problems with fresh produce being ripe. Periodically, I've received email surveys professing how important my opinion is. I feel them out, send them back, and the same thing continually happens. It defeats the purpose of having the convenience of delivery if I have to go out to get items that are not in stock, are rotten, are expired, etc.

  • Daniel Szilagyi

    Daniel Szilagyi


    Great location if you live in the area but this one seems to be priced a lot higher as well, i guess that comes with the 'hood but it still hurts the wallet a bit. Also because there isn't a lot of options to shop elsewhere that don't include whole foods and no-frills it is more busy and full. Good selection though otherwise

  • Greg Taylor

    Greg Taylor


    Big, busy store in a busy area. The deli and hot food area is convenient. A lot of their promotions require you to have a More Rewards card. It's free to sign up.

  • en

    Malina Craciun


    Very good selection of goods! For everyone. Fast to pay and easy to go to the parking with your groceries. Fair prices

  • en

    Michael Driedger


    Very badly managed store. Expect the cashiers to be over worked. Expect to wait in line on weekends for at least 30 minutes. Truly a mess

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