Save-On-Foods de Saskatoon




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1503, 8 Street East, S7H 0T2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-978-0375
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1159002, Longitude: -106.6337796

commentaires 5

  • en



    Great selection but it's expensive. The prices are deceiving. You have the regular price tag and then a yellow price tag when the item is on sale. However, you cannot get the item for the sale price unless you have the More rewards card with Save on Foods. Watch the fine print!

  • Tomson Hutchinson

    Tomson Hutchinson


    They deliver groceries to your door! Up to your apartment and have a great chicken wing bar.. What else can a dude ask for?

  • g00gle minus

    g00gle minus


    Everything here is expensive. I've done price comparisons with the other stores and on the whole this chain had the higher prices. Other than that it's great. I just won't be shopping here because I am not made of money. Oh, and they have a bit good deli with hot chicken... But no deep fried chicken. Dumb decision. If you're gonna have hot chicken then at least have some Southern fried chicken.

  • en

    Kj Holm


    Very friendly people and clean layout. Some good prices as long as you have a savers card. However non sale pricing is about as expensive as sobeys.

  • Sourav Gangopadhyay

    Sourav Gangopadhyay


    Lowest price guaranteed! Price match over 200 products. Grand opening on Saturday the 7th of April at Cumberland location. Come visit this great grocery store.

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