Saskatoon West Dental de Saskatoon

CanadaSaskatoon West Dental


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

1528, 20th Street West, S7M 0Z6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-384-6363
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1263065, Longitude: -106.6937085

commentaires 3

  • Evan Korial

    Evan Korial


  • KittenGames 444

    KittenGames 444


    Not very happy with this dental clinic. I've had to go somewhere else. The best thing about the clinic is the friendly service from the clerk, but it just isn't worth the pain and hassle. I can't seem to get a consistent dentist to work on my teeth, so when I finally have one that can do the freezing properly, he or she is gone the next time I need work done. I also had to have 2 temporary fillings put in place, at separate times, and both times I've had infections afterwards, in which I've had to come back in to get it drained/cleaned and put on antibiotics.

  • Rasha Eshoo

    Rasha Eshoo


Dentiste la plus proche

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