Saskatoon Real Estate Services Inc de Saskatoon

CanadaSaskatoon Real Estate Services Inc



🕗 horaire

333, 4 Avenue North, S7K 2L8, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-978-6688
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1327823, Longitude: -106.6587506

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sam Shahrabi


    I lived in 10th st East more than 5 years and it was great .Thanks Trevor Hannah

  • Theresa Carlson

    Theresa Carlson



  • en

    Bab Din


    Nightmare, If you want headache go for it Professional pathological liar, cheat on security deposit, horrible costumer service

  • Tanner Kirby

    Tanner Kirby


    Stay away from this service! I lived in a townhouse whose property was managed by them. They did not help me with drainage issues and had to hire my own plumber. The guy I dealt with was very inexperienced and unprofessional. I never saw them in person for the two years they were "managing" the common areas and landscaping. Drainage issues and poor upkeep of the lawn.

  • en

    A Google User


    Most unprofessional company I have ever dealt with in my life. They deal with people that are contractually obligated to pay their condo fees every month no matter what level of service they return.

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