Saskatoon Appliance de Saskatoon

CanadaSaskatoon Appliance



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2720 8 Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0V8, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-955-1444
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1139599, Longitude: -106.6143211

commentaires 5

  • Blue Sonikku

    Blue Sonikku


    I normally deal with Midtown Appliance( down town) for all my home appliance needs. I decided to try Saskatoon Appliance on 8th street and was greatly disapointed. Not only was I charged full price on a sale item, I was to be informed when to pick it up when it came in. It sat for a month later after in storage! I was only informed of it's arrival since I phoned and asked where the appliance went that I put money down on. Not even any effort to keep me informed at all. Not inpressed.

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    S Landego


    We got a full kitchen here a few years ago. Went back in looking at laundry appliances and got the same amazing service. Great selection and lots of items in stock

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    Tom Pittner


    Best in town.great deals and friendly staff and very noalagable.also great inventory

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    Graph this


    Only good for a sale if anything fails don’t count on them making any effort to help with extended warranty or pointing you in the right direction... let alone answering the phone on their repair line.

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    amir jat


    I bought few appliances in march 2017. Good service, nice price. Honest and good quality appliances. Very satisfied.

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