Samesun Kelowna de Kelowna

CanadaSamesun Kelowna



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245, Harvey Avenue, V1Y 6C2, Kelowna, Central Okanagan, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-763-9814
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8834, Longitude: -119.4982109

commentaires 5

  • en

    Tim Porter


    Very nice location downtown, near the beach and shops. Very friendly staff and a great place to stay. Booked a private room and slept very well. Would definitely recommend Samesun

  • Bryce Koch

    Bryce Koch


    Amazing hostel. Was very surprised by how helpful the staff was. Def recommend

  • Caleb Morrison

    Caleb Morrison


    We stayed for the night and really liked it. The room and ensuite were very basic but the room was pretty cheap. The people staying there were very nice and the staff were helpful.

  • Mark McGregor

    Mark McGregor


    Very easy to find location with ample parking. Rooms are clean and comfortable, and the breakfast try provide is very nice. Staff are super friendly and very helpful.

  • Adrianna Griep

    Adrianna Griep


    Stayed here two weekends in a row and was not disappointed! Short distance from downtown made it easy to get where we were going. The staff was really nice and the rooms were clean. Honestly no complaints!

Lodging la plus proche

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