Salon Vert i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaSalon Vert



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225, Metcalfe Street, K2P 1P9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-266-1109
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4175802, Longitude: -75.692519

kommentar 5

  • Adrienne Yuen

    Adrienne Yuen


    Booked Cara for a balayage and trim. Walked in with flat hair in desperate need of a refresh, and and walked out with a head of soft, shiny, and beautifully painted hair! Healthy products = happy hair, skin, and lungs. Cara took great care of me for the duration of the appointment and was also lovely to chat with - full of interesting stories.

  • Tavari Luhta

    Tavari Luhta


    Great price, awesome hairdresser, all cruelty free and vegan and she's great for doing exactly what you envision with your hair

  • en

    Shannon O'Brien-LeBlanc


    Cara is so talented and nice! Her prices are very reasonable considering the quality of work she produces and products she uses. I highly recommend her for your vegan (or non vegan) hair needs! :)

  • Plants. Bikes

    Plants. Bikes


    Cara is the best! My blonde has never been that beautiful(5y with the same color and finally the perfect hairdresser!) . Cruelty free salon and amazing service!

  • Mina Ghamari

    Mina Ghamari


    Amazing service, beautiful results, ethical process. All cruelty free.

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