Safeway Kensington Calgary de Calgary

CanadaSafeway Kensington Calgary



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410, 10 Street Northwest, T2N 1V9, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-270-3054
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0561556, Longitude: -114.0852401

commentaires 5

  • Millie Ali

    Millie Ali


    Situated in the lovely Kensington area. The place has a good selection of products with fair prices. Fresh food. Easy shopping experience. Close to cafés, restaurants and boutiques. A good place to spend a few hours in a weekend.

  • Heather Pilonieta

    Heather Pilonieta


    The highlight of this location is their seafood selection. They have a display, similar to the deli, but for fish! The produce is good quality and the layout of the store is comfortable.

  • Paul W. Allen

    Paul W. Allen


    Not a bad little the service was good and had a lovely little chat with a young lady that was sweeping the floors on the sugar aisle, before she had to do a price check for a fella Michael that took my order....many years of myself working at Safeway and was a nice little outing to get some food.

  • David Barrett

    David Barrett


    This Safeway is conveniently located next to the Sunnyside C-Train stop. It has a good selection of fruits and veg and other items. One star taken off because of how they initially tried to treat the homeless individuals that often sit outside.

  • Dustin Entz

    Dustin Entz


    Not a very great place. Small for a Safeway. No public washrooms unless you get a key. Poorly kept. There are a few good staff there but a good majority of them pack the products oddly and don't have the greatest of social skills. Conveniently located is their best thing for them

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