Safeway de Winnipeg




🕗 horaire

1625, Kenaston Boulevard, R3P 2M4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 204-488-9404
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8258402, Longitude: -97.2014497

commentaires 5

  • Navjot Garcha

    Navjot Garcha


    Good sales when you go in the evenings!

  • Mahyar Mirrashed

    Mahyar Mirrashed


    Great Safeway close to people's homes which makes it optional for a quick stock of your refrigerator. Many of the employees come from the region so there's that aspect of familiarity between you and the workers. The customer service was great at the cashier stand but there seems to never be anyone at the customer service desk and it takes a couple of minutes for anyone to show up even though the employees know you need to be attended to.

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    Gary Gebauer


    Decent prices but needs to be more competitive

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    Very slow starbucks waited 30 minutes while the barista did dishs.

  • H Henson

    H Henson


    This is a good basic grocery store. The prices are a little high but you can find what you need. Parking is also very generous and the line ups to pay are not bad.

Épicerie ou supermarché la plus proche

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