Ryerson University de Toronto

CanadaRyerson University


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350, Victoria Street, M5B 2K3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-979-5000
site web: www.ryerson.ca
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Latitude: 43.6576585, Longitude: -79.3788017

commentaires 5

  • Fiona W

    Fiona W


    The staffs and instructors are nice, as long as you have the same Left-wing political ideological views as them, otherwise they call you "privileged" and other names that makes you feel lesser of a person than them. I was in Arts so I cannot speak for other departments, but all Left wing Marxist indoctrination in Arts. Students claiming that they are "Marxists" and must bring back Socialism and Communism. Do these students not learn millions of people who died under Stalin's one party socialist regime or under Mao's Communist Party? Learn nothing from this school, but some buzz wing left ideological terms. No job prospect after the program. I guess its only good if you want a paper from this school, but you're going to school selling your soul everyday. "Tell the truth, or at least don't lie", except that this school does not believe in "Truth". Everything is subjective and according to people's feelings. There is no difference between men and women, everything in Western society is built on patriarchy and we are all victims is basically what I have learned. And I thought China was bad, guess the West is even worse. One student in my class claimed that 1 in 3 women get raped in Canada. I asked how she got this stat, and she didn't have an answer for it. Students make bold claims about how evil Western civilization is, and have no idea where these data came from or how people did the research. I thought these were university students? No freedom of speech on campus. If you have a view that challenges theirs with reason and logic, they refuse to engage with your opinion and just call you racist or sexist. That's basically what this university is about - ungrateful young people who have no idea how good they have it, and how bad rest of the world have it. Of course there is inequality and poverty in the West, no doubt, but compare to what? We have running water, electricity, Internet, the buildings are standing and not collapsing, we have food and shelter. That is a miracle, yet young people do not know that. They are taught Western civilization is nothing but patriarchy, sexism and racism, they have no idea collapse of civilization from all over the world. This school breeds ungrateful social justice warriors who complain about "mansplaining" and "manspreading" rather than looking at serious global issues.

  • Don



    Sheldon Levy was the best university president in Canada. Really put Ryerson on the map. New president seems like a bit of a dick though.

  • Peter MacNeil

    Peter MacNeil


    I studied film and photography at Ryerson over 30 years ago and psychology later. While it's a big institution and I sometimes felt insignificant when dealing with administration, I have met many great people, both professors and fellow students. Many of these people I remain friends with to this day. I'm taking a course on the Psychology of Personality in the spring as part of my commitment to lifelong learning and am looking forward to it. Great School!

  • Shahin



    A great University to invest your time and effort for promising future. Excellent professors and incredible staffs. An outstandingly vibrant campus-center of everything in Toronto. Easily accessible through public transport like subway, bus, taxi, street cars. Versatile food and restaurant tastes are all around the campus.

  • Cristina De la Cuerda

    Cristina De la Cuerda


    Yo solamente estuve en una de las residencias en verano, en mutual st. Horrible, las señoras de la limpieza firmaban como que habían limpiado pero no limpiaban los baños. Las sábanas no las cambiaban jamás, entiendo que no me hagas la cama todos los días, pero si te toca pasar los lunes, cambia las sábanas. Si te dejas la llave dentro de la habitacion 5 dolares de multa. Fatal, la limpieza brilla por su ausencia y la cocina horrible, no funcionaba el horno y no nos daban soluciones. La moqueta asquerosa llena de manchas.

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