Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity Church de Vancouver

CanadaRussian Orthodox Holy Trinity Church


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710, Campbell Avenue, V6A 3K7, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-253-5562
site web:
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Latitude: 49.2781292, Longitude: -123.0847775

commentaires 5

  • en



    Just curious about why those people so grim on their face and it seems not welcome Asians coming. Maybe it is bias or something? And, it is too smoky inside the church, I am hard to breathe...anyway, I have an unpleasant memory in this church.

  • Elena Chernichko

    Elena Chernichko


    Не люблю писать либо читать подобное, но чувства переполняют! Попала в эту церковь, как будто дома побыла.... Здорово выручает в период адаптации на чужбине! Очень традиционная, чисто Русская Православная Церковь. Атмосфера исцеляет душу, вдохновляет разум, утешает сердце мне. Спасибо!

  • Elsie Viola Dupuis

    Elsie Viola Dupuis


    Very welcoming 🙂.

  • en



    The ANNOYING bell, period. If you live around this church, expect this annoying bell to be ringing, especially on the weekend, and sometimes during the weekdays and certain nights. I don't mean to offend their religions, but if you look at other churches around the neighborhood, they don't ring their bells, even if they have one. I don't know the meaning behind ringing the bell, or if I even want to know, but it's very aggravating to hear that bell ringing all the time!! I'm trying to relax and sleep in on the weekend, but THANKS to that bell, it's impossible. Oh, and yea, did I mention that the ringing bell is super loud!

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    Beautiful, traditional Russian Orthodox Church. Amazing people. Extraordinary Batushka... A place where you can pray...

Église la plus proche

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