Royal Scot Hotel & Suites de Victoria

CanadaRoyal Scot Hotel & Suites


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425, Quebec Street, V8V 1W7, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-388-5463
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4200927, Longitude: -123.3731309

commentaires 5

  • Derek Schlereth

    Derek Schlereth


    Lots of great amenities, including a pool that our daughter loved, a games room, and a billiards room. Our suite was spacious given the price and came with a well-stocked kitchen (dishes, cutlery, utensils) so we could cook our own meals if we wanted to. Location was great and parking was free. Overall we enjoyed our stay.

  • en

    Thao Vo


    My family has spend 2 days. We have enjoyed our vacation time. We feel like home. If we could visit Victoria next time, I want to come back here. Yes, they have non-smoking room. The most rooms have small kitchen and ware-cooks. You could enjoy cooking. This place is so close to Chinatown. You just spend 5 or 7 minutes for driving to there. I hope this place will be a good place for you to stay and visit Victoria B.C.

  • Kevin Gillett

    Kevin Gillett


    I found the room spacious and clean, but it had a very musty smell, almost like stale smoke, but it was nonsmoking. The decor was a very traditional (old school) feel. Maybe I'm not the target market. Location is great and the price was reasonable. They offer shuttle service to local restaurants and attractions. They also have loaner umbrellas, which is a really good thing in Victoria.

  • Jean-Michel Kin

    Jean-Michel Kin


    Très bel hôtel avec de belles suites

  • Chahatvir Kang

    Chahatvir Kang



Lodging la plus proche

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