Rosso Coffee Roasters de Calgary

CanadaRosso Coffee Roasters



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140, 8 Avenue Southeast, T2G 5J2, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-264-7900
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.045576, Longitude: -114.061195

commentaires 5

  • en

    Your Ex


    I like Rosso for either a quick coffee or for a nice sit down with a book. Coffee is decent and snacks are good as well.

  • Adrian Dayrit

    Adrian Dayrit


    A good place to get coffee that is brewed fairly well. It can get pretty busy, but you're served quickly and efficiently. The inside is warm and comfortable. In warmer weather, they do put out a small patio right onto Stephen Ave. This is nice in theory, but be prepared to be asked for change or a meal if sitting on the patio. It's in a convenient spot close to the museum, Olympic plaza and the core. Surrounded by hotels and connected to the convention centre so a lot of business people use it as a meeting place. If you like to eavesdrop conversations, this is not a good place to go because you mostly just hear small talk and business jargon.

  • en

    Deirdre Piggott


    Great service, good tasty food and tea done right.

  • Douglas Briggs

    Douglas Briggs


    I have often been in here when the staff is singing heartily along with the songs. This makes me happy. They also understand that a large cappuccino needs an extra shot to keep the flavour balanced. This makes me even more happy!

  • Mobarshira Mourine

    Mobarshira Mourine


    I really liked their sweet latte. Everything was perfect in the latte. Their hot chocolate was good as well.

Café la plus proche

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