Robert Service Campground de Whitehorse

CanadaRobert Service Campground


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🕗 horaire

Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 60.7008, Longitude: -135.0470001

commentaires 3

  • Murray Martin

    Murray Martin


    Good place to tent, great service. No hook ups or RV spots. Have to carry your stuff in to sites. Office is busy, seems confused as to its business, coffee shop or camp ground.

  • en

    Lisa F.


    Fun atmosphere​, pleasant campsite, and friendly helpful staff made this a welcome stop in our travels.

  • Janna Swales

    Janna Swales


    I love RSC!! It is the best place to have a coffee while my son has an ice cream and plays with all the great toys. Beautiful spot, gorgeous lawn for games and rentals and events!

Station de bus la plus proche

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