River Rock Bar & Grill de Thunder Bay

CanadaRiver Rock Bar & Grill



🕗 horaire

698, Arthur Street West, P7E 5R8, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 807-473-1608
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3795106, Longitude: -89.2993962

commentaires 5

  • Aislyn Ireton

    Aislyn Ireton


    Cute place, good for travelers in the hotel.

  • Marya Kalen

    Marya Kalen


    Went there for breakfast during our stay at the Airplane hotel. The food was fine, the prices fair. They make their own sausage patties. The waitress was very friendly. Over all a good experience. Paid $26 for 2 breakfasts, including coffee and tip.

  • Andreas Kiefer

    Andreas Kiefer


    A Bar that is closed already at 9:30pm

  • Janis Lamothe

    Janis Lamothe


    Although the food is good and decently priced, the facilities themselves leave a lot to be desired. Tables are not cleaned off, floors are not cleaned during the day or overnight. I sat at the same booth the next morning and under the table were the staws and food my granddaughter had dropped the night before.

  • en

    Emmanuel Delescaille


Bar la plus proche

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