River House Restaurant & Pub i Delta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaRiver House Restaurant & Pub



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6255, River Road, V4K 0B2, Delta, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-946-7545
internet side: www.riverhousegroup.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.1158059, Longitude: -123.0620397

kommentar 5

  • Andry Tjahyana

    Andry Tjahyana


    Great location, especially on a sunny day on the patio. Food is good, great local beer, but service can be slow during lunch rush.

  • Jody Yuzik

    Jody Yuzik


    Great food with decent sized servings. Fast service and cheerful staff.

  • en

    Patrick Crawford


    Limited menu and food is fair. Portion sizes are good but service is hot and cold. Great service on some visits but very slow service for other visits. Usually only go here because it is one of my parents favourite restaurants.

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    blake pollon


    Awesome food! Good drinks, regular prices but amazing food. Manager of bar was super nice! Going to be here lots for our remaining time here working!

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    G&M Bakker


    A great atmosphere, food, and staff. I went there for a Friday lunch, and called my order in ahead of time. When I arrived there was a seat reserved for my group of four, and the food was brought out immediately. I ordered the Turkey Club, with fries. Everything that was supposed to be hot was, and the cold was still cold. Turkey club is amazing. Cranberry bread, real chunks of Turkey meat, bacon, and all the other club fixings. Amazing food!! Amazing staff!! Will definitely be back!!!

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