Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc de Ottawa

CanadaRitchie Feed & Seed Inc



🕗 horaire

1390, Windmill Lane, K1B 4V5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-741-4430
site web: www.ritchiefeed.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4127772, Longitude: -75.6107189

commentaires 5

  • en

    Carl Dupnt


    The best place on the east of Ottawa for yoir gardenong meeds.

  • Daren Morissette

    Daren Morissette


    Honestly, if every other garden centre is out of a product you know Ritchie's will have it. Don't bother getting gardening supplies at Canadian Tire or Home Hardware, the price, service and selection is better here. I've never been disappointed leaving Ritchie's. Also, if you want cat grass, ask for horse feed by the pound. I guarantee* you it'll outlast your cat. *not an actual guarantee, but by god there's a lot of grass in a lb of feed.

  • Alan Bristow

    Alan Bristow


    Good selection across the range of gardening. Many plants to buy. Helpful and knowledgeable staff happy to help. Will be buying plants for a wedding here 👍🏽

  • David Hunter

    David Hunter


    Helpful and knowledgeable staff. The plant selection seemed small, but more than likely it's just bc of the time of year. There were no greenhouses open yet.

  • adam trefry

    adam trefry


    So many hard to find seeds here. Plus cute garden ornaments. Been trying to find beefsteak tomatoes for a while

Magasin la plus proche

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