Rideau Heights Campsite de Ottawa

CanadaRideau Heights Campsite


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🕗 horaire

38, Rideau Heights Drive, K2E 7A6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-226-4141
site web: sites.google.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.341882, Longitude: -75.7022315

commentaires 5

  • en



    Stayed for 5 weeks because we had no other location to stay .. we were desperate BUT my goodness was this place horrible !!!! The bathrooms were dirty never any soap when I would ask for soap and or if he could clean the bathroom he would say to get my own soap and he would through Bleach in the bathrooms to claim it was cleaned ... just smelled like bleach but he never actually cleaned it. The noise is horrible there is a train that passes through all the time , planes are very loud and constant and and there is a truck site next to the site that at 4 am the trucks are moving the equipment all day .. could not get a decent night of sleep ever Extreme noise pollution . Would not recommend it unless you are absolutely desperate!!!

  • Chris J Powell

    Chris J Powell


    Great place to hang your hat after a long trek on vacation. Rates very reasonable which was part of the point for us to camp instead of use hotels.

  • fr

    Chris well


    Le camping le plus ordinaire que j'ai été à date. parking d'engin de chantier et voie de chemin de fer juste à côté. Seul point positif c'est très proche du parlement 15-20 min.

  • Debi Langille

    Debi Langille


    Came and spent a week. Since there were washroom facilities in our 5th wheel, I didn't have to visit the bathrooms. The atmosphere is nice, and being able to sit outside under the awning and watch the fire in the pit. I enjoyed my stay, and the owner was nice when we saw him everyday 😀

  • ken welte

    ken welte


    We flew into Ottawa for a couple of days, this was right next to the airport. It is close to Canadian tire it's only 15 minutes from downtown Ottawa it's great. Has a shower and full facilities in both male and female bathrooms. The whole site is very clean. Quite reasonably priced to tent only $33 taxes in. Our tent camp site had two Picnic benches and a fire pit and water. Outdoor pool.

Camping la plus proche

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