Rexall Pharma Plus de Toronto

CanadaRexall Pharma Plus



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1245, Dupont Street, M6H 2A6, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-537-0805
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6679907, Longitude: -79.4410346

commentaires 5

  • en

    Colin Outram


    45 minute wait to pickup a parcel. Incredibly slow and inefficient staff.

  • Lisette Fernandez

    Lisette Fernandez


    Would go lower than that if i could. Have persistently messed up with my medication

  • en

    Richard Perritt


    As with most Rexalls it's a bit pricey but not more so than it's larger competitor. Being an American company now, it's not going to get any cheaper. Stock is fairly good. The staff are friendly. Pharmacy is almost always busy. Short lines at checkout. For some reason they added a grocery section when they renovated. The prices are very high largely due to the low sales volume. In another location this might work but there's a grocery store across the hall with longer hours. The space used by groceries could have been put to better use.

  • Sandy Penas

    Sandy Penas


    Marcy is a wonderful pharmacist. She is always willing to help with any questions that I have. Thank you for being you!

  • Gary MacDonald

    Gary MacDonald


    This Rexall serves a fairly large neighborhood and the staff are always very helpful and friendly. The store was renovated and expanded recently and it is now larger and very nice and modern looking. Being situated in the Little Portugal area of Toronto they have a few Portuguese speaking staff to assist some of the older customers who are not that comfortable with English. Overall it's a very nice and very well stocked store that has become an important part of the Junction/Dufferin neighborhood over the years.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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