Residence & Conference Centre - Oakville de Oakville

CanadaResidence & Conference Centre - Oakville



🕗 horaire

1410, Trafalgar Road, L6H 6W4, Oakville, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-815-4150
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.4684976, Longitude: -79.69799

commentaires 5

  • Shams Alkari

    Shams Alkari


    I'm not sure what you would call this place, as the ambiguous name suggests.. it's basically a building on a college campus that offers rooms to visiting friends and family members of students. Outsiders are welcome, but stick to a real hotel if your looking for than a place to spend the night, not much in the way of hospitality here.

  • Dillon Brady

    Dillon Brady


    Rooms are clean and spacious with lots of privacy if you were to bring kids or two couples to one room. Staff are amazing and the suites are quite nice for the price. There is a gym and a games room in the building!

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    Nick Mandeville


    Great value, nothing too special. Paid 95+ taxes for a 2 bedroom space with a kitchenette and full washroom, full kitchen on each floor for use of people staying. Looking for bang for your buck? This is it.

  • Dan Croutch

    Dan Croutch


    Great value two bedroom unit. Clean, modern and feature rich. Easy and friendly check in. Same price as a bargain place, but easily a mid tier hotel. Two separate, well equipped bedrooms, shared bathroom and kitchen.

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    Reuben Baker


    The staff accommodated our check-in much earlier than required which made our overall stay much better. The room was quite nice too

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