RePeinture Renovation Montreal | Peintres à Westmount Painters de Montreal

CanadaRePeinture Renovation Montreal | Peintres à Westmount Painters



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4823 Sherbrooke Ouest # 110, Montreal, QC H3Z 1G4, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 514-700-1180
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.477004, Longitude: -73.605712

commentaires 5

  • en

    Andre Bulini


    Very satisfied with the work and level of skill, well recommended!

  • Amira Habib

    Amira Habib


    Une équipe dotée de peintres professionnels. Travaux exécutés avec soin, propreté et courtoisie. Merci!

  • en

    Andre B.


    I hired Repeinture to repaint my upstairs bedrooms and was really impressed with their skill and positive attitude. Also, I really appreciated that they left the place spotless after having finished the work.

  • Svetlana Decor

    Svetlana Decor


    The only company I trust for all my client's painting needs! Job always done on time and within budget. Well recommended!

  • Jonathan O'Riley

    Jonathan O'Riley


    I needed the upstairs rooms at my home in Beaconsfield repainted and Vito and his team did a fantastic job. The painters are very detail oriented and completed the project on time and budget, well recommended.

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