Renco Family Foods de Thunder Bay

CanadaRenco Family Foods



🕗 horaire

146, Centennial Park Road, P7E 1H3, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-939-3947
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3829057, Longitude: -89.2494162

commentaires 5

  • Bryan Mayo

    Bryan Mayo


    Good prices good selection and friendly people

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    jordan shonosky


    Great place even better staff

  • Murray Munro

    Murray Munro


    I absolutely love this family ran store. As I understand from present and past staff, that the owners always try to find the best deals for their customers.

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    Marcel Vezina


    Best grocery store in Tbay!! Great prices and excellent service!! I refuse to shop anywhere else!

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    Tony Bunting


    The staff are nice there plus i enjoy the atmosphere. A family sort of atmosphere. Never had an issue with them. Plus it's very convenient for me. Not like Safeway and Metro. My choice will always be RENCO.

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