Red River Medical Centre de Winnipeg

CanadaRed River Medical Centre



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139 Carmen Ave, R2L 0E5, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-663-7228
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9161521, Longitude: -97.1145178

commentaires 5

  • en

    jason cr.


    When my cardiologist, Dr. Tam sent me home with a clean bill of health, Dr. Haresha called him on his negligence. Tam never looked at my heart. If he had, he woukd've seen the massive hole that Haresha detected with a blood pressure cuff. Would've died for absolutely sure.

  • en

    T L


    Doctors at this clinic are misinformed about filling out the Disability Tax Credit form...your G.P. does not make a decision as to wether or not you qualify for this certification, the government does. It is illegal for a physician to refuse to fill out the form and tell you to go elsewhere because he is ill-informed of the process of the disability tax credit. The cost of obtaining a disabilty parking pass is too expensive at Red River Medical, especially for a person living on a limited income. The wait time at this clinic is outrageously long! I had an appointment where I sat for a couple of hours, as a rule this is unacceptable to me but I wanted to meet my G.P.'s replacement as the doctor I had been seeing, fled back to her country of origin for some reason or another. The last time I used this clinic and before I left permanently, I noticed that if a client was an attractive young woman she was quickly processed through the "walk-in" part of the clinic and waiting patients, well, had to wait. I would avoid his clinic if you want to get quality care in Winnipeg MB.

  • en

    Kimberly Franczyk


    love going there ...Dr.Asskar is very good ...The girls in the front ...are very perfesional...

  • nicole isbister

    nicole isbister


    I'm so impressed with my experience today! I haven't been to this walk-in for about 5 years because last time I went it was a long wait, dirty, and the doctor couldn't communicate with me. That being said I gave it another try today because I didn't really have another close choice. In the last 5 years they have renovated and cleaned the space up. I checked in with the receptionist and she took me directly I to a room to see the doctor (no wait!) And the doctor saw me within 5 minutes. He listened to what I had to say and checked me of and really sat down and explained what he thought was going on. Like I said I'm really impressed with my experience today and I will be coming back in the future. Thank you.

  • en

    Jade Little


    So my dr.....dr.heresha called set up an appt. With me and said on saturday at 4 i called to reschedule and the receptionist told me no we dont have appts. on Saturdays so i would of went in for nothing today that would of been great...then i cant reschedule because my doctor will be gone until late aug. so you think she would of gave me some options to see another doc but NO. I told her fine ill find another doc. This is not the first time something happened either. I had a scheduled appt as well before and i waited in the room for an hour while the doc was in the other room talking on the phone so i got up and left cause i had work. This doc office is the worst.

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