RCGT Park de Ottawa

CanadaRCGT Park



🕗 horaire

300, Coventry Road, K1K 4P5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-745-2255
site web: ottawachampions.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4203175, Longitude: -75.6531993

commentaires 5

  • videogame wolf

    videogame wolf


    Amazing stadium with a great game day experience. The champions are a talented fun team to watch. Last time I was there my buddy and I were brought on field during a break in play to race for a cool prize. The poutine hitter bring s out the life in the crowd . Best fun for a very affordable day . I look forward to next season.

  • Elie Dib

    Elie Dib


    Worst place imaginable. I worked their as the mascot and they treated me terribly. So i quit to work in the kitchen as a bus boy and they were deducting hours from everyone, didnt give breaks, and so many more illegal stuff. But thats behind the scenes, for guests, its still pretty crappy. Not the best place to go, one bit.

  • Brittney & Rocco Micucci

    Brittney & Rocco Micucci


    Went to a baseball game and had a great time. Lots of seating, good sound, good view of the field. Enough options for food and drink, prices are what you expect. You have to pay for parking which kind of sucks considering the location in the city. Tickets were not too expensive though so it was worth it.

  • Sophie_Jinsun choi

    Sophie_Jinsun choi


    Wish there is a screen to see although field is pretty close to It would be more fun with cheer leaders And bring some kids activities

  • Patrick Martin

    Patrick Martin


    Fabulous baseball stadium that seats 10,000 with great lines from every seat. Great place for familiar with kids. Very reasonable prices, great food, and the baseball is high caliber. Nicely done Ottawa!

Stade la plus proche

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