RBC Royal Bank de Ottawa

CanadaRBC Royal Bank



🕗 horaire

90, Sparks Street, K1P 5T6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-564-3100
site web: maps.rbcroyalbank.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4228523, Longitude: -75.6970123

commentaires 5

  • en

    C. D.


    Simply wanted to call to see if they had the foreign currency I need and rates. Went through voicemail hell - countless options and I'm not even sure if I got the the one I needed. Waited on hold for fifteen minutes without ever speaking to a real person. I gave up and am going to another bank...

  • Maria R.

    Maria R.


    Their business account staff simply does not respond to emails or inquiries and make you feel unvalued. It took 3 weeks and several follow ups by me to hear back. I gave them the benefit of the doubt the first time and politely raised my concern. The staff member apologized but I have the same issue with another staff when I contacted them again and have not heard back after a week. Very disappointed by their lack of respect for clients. They simply ignore you.

  • VinnyBarbarini



    Just opened an account and the experience was very satisfactory. The ATM acces is directly off Sparks St, while the banking centre allows entry both by the inner concourse ot the mall during normal banking hours.

  • Diogo Mattoso

    Diogo Mattoso


    Staff if the best you can find. Unfortunately the IT system of RBC is a complete mess. I opened an account before arriving in Canada to speed up the process but due to RBC's servers being divided into three in Canada my account is a complete mess. I had to close the first account (opened in Toronto), open a second in Ottawa but still they weren't able to figure out how to solve everything.

  • shawn l

    shawn l


    Great service, so when it comes to banking what more can you ask for

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