RBC Royal Bank de Thunder Bay

CanadaRBC Royal Bank



🕗 horaire

2600, Arthur Street East, P7E 5P4, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 807-473-1700
site web: maps.rbcroyalbank.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3805182, Longitude: -89.2736977

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alex Milton


    These scum are holding my money on a holiday weekend.

  • en

    Ben J


  • en

    Helen Edwards


    This was from the help on the phone not the actual bank location. Called for appt for mtg, person on other end said they could start it all for me, I thought nothing of it. One hang up later, I get new guy, after an hr I was fed up and said i'll do it all at the branch. Once actually in front of a real person, the whole application had to be redone as all the info was wrong that was done on phone. Horrible !!! Bring back in branch calling.

  • Bryan Bishop

    Bryan Bishop


    After 11 years of banking with RBC. i am done. I had the worst experience today, doing a routine transaction. I was told i had to open another account to deposit a cheque i have been depositing for 9 years. I asked to see paperwork on this, the girl told me to GOOGLE it. So thanks RBC for losing a long time Loyal costumer .

  • Andrew Munroe

    Andrew Munroe



Banque la plus proche

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