Ralph's Sports Bar de Ottawa

CanadaRalph's Sports Bar


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

251, Laurier Avenue West, K1P 5J6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1
site web: fatalberts.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4195876, Longitude: -75.6968552

commentaires 5

  • Nahtahleex0 C

    Nahtahleex0 C


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    Jessica May


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    Tracey McDonald


    showed up at 11:40 place was pretty much empty they had run out of wine, no big deal we ordered beer. Waited until 12:15 to get our pizza only to find out it wasn't ours. Came back 15 mins later with 1 pizza almost right, the other one was all wrong so had to send it back due to allergies . Ended up leaving at 12:45 cause I had a meeting didn't get my pizza and they charge me for my 1 beer. RIDICULOUS!! The server was really sweet and nice but the owner is obviously cheap, he had 2 people working the lunch hour on a Friday and it was packed by 12:30.... will not go again.. Can't comment on food as I never got any :-)

  • Gina Decarie

    Gina Decarie


    I would avoid the soup, but service was great.

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    Riad Hakib


    Large variety of subs and good daily meal deals

Bar la plus proche

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