Quickie Convenience Stores de Ottawa

CanadaQuickie Convenience Stores



🕗 horaire

Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
163 Bell St N, Ottawa, ON K1R 7E1, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-236-5054
site web: www.quickiestores.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.406724, Longitude: -75.705758

commentaires 5

  • Ian DC

    Ian DC


    Decent Quickie. Fairly similar to others. Infrastucture is old but clean. Will find pretty much all options you would find from a convenience store as well as a post office which is nice.

  • Carlos F

    Carlos F


    Considering the s**t these guys have to put up with running a 24/7 convenience store in this neighbourhood, they are all still friendly and nice and service is good.

  • matthew g

    matthew g


    Very nice people here and service is very fast

  • en

    David Bird


    Worst experience. Tried to send some mail via Canada Post. These amateurs lost our package, didn't provide us with a tracking number when they were supposed to given I purchased a tracking number container and refused to help when the issue was brought up. Stay away go to a real Canada Post location and don't purchase anything from these jokers. Thanks for losing my stuff, it cost me a few hundred dollars to replace

  • this is Lawler

    this is Lawler


    Can be very rude and do bit listen when you try and ask for something and just try to rush you

Magasin de commodité la plus proche

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