Quality Hotel Midtown de Montréal

CanadaQuality Hotel Midtown


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6445, Boulevard Décarie, H3W 3E1, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-739-3800
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4909551, Longitude: -73.6446897

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Martin Fortin


    L'hotel est très chaleureux on s'y sent comme chez nous les chambres sont super confortables surtout pour deux, le restaurant sert un super buffet le matin et la configuration de l'immeuble est très facile a comprendre

  • en

    Brandon Berkovits


    The hotel is very nice. I was there at the restaurant Luzatto for a friend's birthday. The restaurant was not prepared for the group of 30, and we made a reservation. Disorganized 1 waitress foe the entire restaurant and wrong meals were brought. Kine had to be given back twice and they still got it wrong. Others in the geouo had the same experience. The good was very good, for those who got the righr one. Only go if you are a small group of 4 or 6.

  • Evgeny Selitrennik

    Evgeny Selitrennik


    Big rooms, nice hotel staff. No heating (just old and very noisy air conditioner) and very thin blanket.

  • Fatema Tokhy

    Fatema Tokhy


    Loveeeed it. Great room, spacious and clean. Great temp control. Carpets were clean. We had a refrigerator, microwave and a sparkling washroom. Great breakfast. Staff was friendly. We 100000% enjoyed our stay. No complaints whatsoever.

  • Kiddo Photos

    Kiddo Photos


    I can't rate it zero or negative star, so I have to give it one in order to write this comment. Very poor! super poor!! Ultra poor!!! The building, rooms are so run down! No water for toilet flushing at the beginning. Elevator cannot go to the floor where the room we rent. Only worth no more than $20 per night, while I was paying over $150. Very unhappy! My money just went down the drain.......

Lodging la plus proche

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