Primacy - Aurora Family Health Clinic de Thunder Bay

CanadaPrimacy - Aurora Family Health Clinic



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971 Carrick St, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6L9, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 807-285-1894
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4085125, Longitude: -89.2487313

commentaires 5

  • Chelsea Cuthbert

    Chelsea Cuthbert


    Friendly staff, great family doctor, lots of walk in clinic throughout the week

  • Jen B

    Jen B


    Very Rude if I could give zero I would. Very cold staff

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    Mary Sm


    This Clinic is the VERY WORST clinic I have ever been to. The receptionists are very disrespectful, apathetic, and very RUDE. They have no reason to be in a customer service industry. They are not even qualified to deal with animals. They doctors, they don't care how terrible their staff is. No business survives with such terrible customer service but I guess this is what we can expect from medical care in Thunder Bay! I have no sympathy for Ontario doctors whining about how poorly the government is paying them when they provide such a substandard health care. No one should be disrespected & mistreated when they are in a vulnerable state & require medical attention.

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    Stephanie Prinsen


    A pleasure to deal with. Reasonable wait times and lots of walk in hours.

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    Mike Walsh


    Great experience. They have the best surf and turf in town! I also recommend their gourmet wontons.

Docteur la plus proche

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