Precise Engines de Saskatoon

CanadaPrecise Engines


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522, 44 Street East, S7K 0W1, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-955-1522
site web:
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Latitude: 52.1615289, Longitude: -106.6613053

commentaires 3

  • en

    Duane Ehrhardt


    Took my 400 Pontiac engine in for rebuild and they painted the engine without plugging the spark plug, distributor or valley vent holes. Didnt notice until i got it home and plastic off. Had to take it back to get it taken apart and paint removed from the pistons, lifters, push rods and cam gear. Poor workmanship to say the least.

  • en

    Barry Morin


    Good service.

  • Aaron Judt

    Aaron Judt


    I brought Jim, Wes and the guys a late model Turbocharged Toyota motor for a rebuild and some basic modifications. Jim and Wes and everyone in the shop is are an absolute joy to deal with. They know what they are doing and are more than happy to talk and make things work however you like. Unfortunately for me, my motor suffered a failure unrelated to anything worked on by Precise but Jim really made things right by covering the machining and costs on a new part to replace it, no questions asked. They even did a quick repair to keep me boosting until the new parts were finished. They are really stand up, honest guys and I'm glad to have chosen them!

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