Prairie Dent Repair de Saskatoon

CanadaPrairie Dent Repair



🕗 horaire

630, Weldon Avenue, S7M 2T9, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-652-2118
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.120225, Longitude: -106.69316

commentaires 3

  • Wrecker- Gamer

    Wrecker- Gamer


    Been here and treated me well,and very accommodating people even if you were foreign and not well English spoken....It's an A1 service guys,thanks Aaron for the Good and honest service and lots of freebies,love the hat for kids and I.very much recommended...

  • en

    St Wg


    Got us in the next morning after shopping cart dented our SUV. After they were done you couldn't even see a spot. Good price too.

  • Amanda Chevrier

    Amanda Chevrier


    Great work! Can't even tell where the dents were on my vehicle. They even vacuumed out the interior - bonus!

Réparation automobile la plus proche

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