Plumber Montreal de Montréal

CanadaPlumber Montreal



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Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
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857, Rue Ontario Est, H2L 1P3, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 514-319-0135
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.518596, Longitude: -73.564021

commentaires 5

  • mary fisher

    mary fisher


    Good services, plumber was polite and fixed my problem. Would recommend A+ (Thats for plumber montreal)

  • roseanne kelly

    roseanne kelly


    I needed a plumber tonight, and a friday night, it's difficult to find one. Plumber Montreal send me someone in less than a hour. Very fast and professional. Thanks a lot !

  • Elwood Vest

    Elwood Vest


    Hello my name is Elwood and I have to say that the service here is really great, I got a job done from another company and the guy was awful, really impolite. But I had a plumber called John that came and he was perfect. I write this review for him!

  • Jose M. Allen

    Jose M. Allen


    First of all thanks you plumber montreal i was in an emergency I had 3 feet of water in my basement but now everything is back to normal THANKS YOU / MERCI

  • david porter

    david porter


    Oh well this is a great company, I had flooding I though it would cost me a leg but it only cost me an arm! Just kidding, the price was good and service too. Will call again...!

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