Plains of Abraham de Québec

CanadaPlains of Abraham


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Avenue Wilfrid-Laurier, G1R 2L3, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 418-648-3506
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.8015014, Longitude: -71.2173968

commentaires 5

  • en

    Terrence Stagniton


    This battlefield park is a large expansive area between Grande Allee Est and the River. We entered it at two points - from the Citadelle and from the Area behind the Art Museum. It commemorates the battles during the Seven Years War when England and France fought for control of New France. Both Generals Montcalm and Wolfe died in battle here. Since it was winter, it was a bit difficult to walk as the park was still covered in snow, but we saw enough to appreciate just how beautiful a park it is. There are cannons galore, monuments to fallen soldiers who fought in the battles, and surviving towers. There is a garden called Joan of Arc. We understand that there are all sorts of activities during the summer and holidays (like Halloween). Just a beautiful park of great significance.

  • Francis Poisson

    Francis Poisson


    J'y vais depuis que je suis trÚs jeune pour faire du ski de fond de soirée. Les pays sont toujours bien entretenus. Il arrive qu'il y fait trÚs froid puisque l'endroit n'est vraiment pas à l'abri du vent. Bien habillé et hop, un petit 15 km de ski de fond. L'accÚs y est gratuit, mais le stationnement payant.

  • fr

    Melkonian Mickaël


    Bien qu'enneigées en cette période, les Plaines offrent un espace calme de flùnerie le long du Saint-Laurent... Activités sportives possibles (raquettes, ski de fond et de piste ainsi que du patin à glace) pour se détendre en fin de semaine...

  • memy4578



    TrĂšs belle endroit. Il y a beaucoup d’activer d’organiser tout au long de l’annĂ©e. Il y a de magnifique sentier pour faire de promenade. TrĂšs beau spot pour un pic nic.

  • Edana Beauvais

    Edana Beauvais


    So beautiful! Perfect place to cross country ski or snowshoe (you can rent equipment by the skating rink), or in the summer I’m sure jogging would be lovely. Walking is slow going in the winter, but it was still a pleasure. And obviously the right place to take in some Canadian history.

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