Place De Ville Florist de Ottawa

CanadaPlace De Ville Florist



🕗 horaire

320 Queen, K1R 5A3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-232-7704
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4190938, Longitude: -75.7036593

commentaires 3

  • en

    Christine Rioux


  • Jacinthe Goulet

    Jacinthe Goulet


    I received a beautiful bouquet, but for some reason the next day a few flowers hadn't made the night. The person who sent the arrangement contacted the florist to let them know. They not only replaced the wilted flowers but sent another beautiful arrangement with an apology. That is excellent customer service and was not expected at all, thank you!

  • Mat Uramovski

    Mat Uramovski


    Nice little downtown florist. Shopkeeper is very skilled in arranging cut flowers, although he is a bit difficult to understand. Flower quality is usually excellent.

Fleuriste la plus proche

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