Pizza Pita de Montréal

CanadaPizza Pita



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6415, Boulevard Décarie, H3W 3E1, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 514-731-7482
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4908043, Longitude: -73.6441626

commentaires 5

  • Shawn Goldwater

    Shawn Goldwater


    Not a great place. Serving staff is typically inexperienced - I think they have high turnover. Person at the counter has zero idea how to make a good falafel sandwich, and that's the key: assembling it, with layers of ingredients and sauce. It's not easy unless you know and he didn't. Person in dining area seemed to find something in his soup and walked out. Very much looking forward to Yoni's place opening soon on St-Viateur as a place where I think you'll be able to get a truly good Israeli-style falafel in Montreal.

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    emmanuelle blander


    They have an awesome falafel sandwich with a whole bunch of different toppings to choose from so that they can make it just the way you like it.

  • Eyal Simhon

    Eyal Simhon


    Great food and my favorite I love the juice bar. Always good to go for a quick vitamins refill :) its made right there in front of you with fresh fruits and it goes straight to the heart. One cup is just not enough it will make you smile and come for more.

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    Stan Carman


    Cafeteria-style family-friendly middle-eastern cuisine. Also drive-through. Washrooms are down a flight of stairs.

  • Yiskah Sarah Cafazzo

    Yiskah Sarah Cafazzo


    I have a garlic allergy and the owner went above and beyond to help me find something I could eat. He also gave my husband a tour of the salad bar and explained how everything worked. Really great experience!

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