Pharmaprix de Montréal




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901, Rue Sainte-Catherine Est, H2L 2E5, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-842-4915
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.516715, Longitude: -73.5583383

commentaires 5

  • en

    Dani Voorhees


    The store inside looked decent with nice inventory displayed on it's shelves. What totally turned me off from ever going back there was this creep brushing up against me a few times deliberately with his crotch at my leg like it was appropriate to assume I was going to enjoy this like I was some sort of a swinger or something??? Couldn't even find security anywhere there to point him out which is another good enough reason for me to shop elsewhere obviously.

  • en

    Dong Joon Lim


    Normal franchise pharmacy. It sucks that they recently abandoned their optimum policy...

  • Aura B

    Aura B


    The pharmacy doesn't keep a sufficient inventory. They are mostly friendly, but I'm not sure about whether they are organized or competent. It took four phone calls to make arrangements for a simple prescription, and they assured me it could be picked up on the way home from work the next day. At 6:30pm, the prescription was not ready and they wanted us to wait in line a second time just to look up our file in the system. The line up was at least 10 minutes long. We left. We received a fifth phone call an hour later than the prescription was ready, even though they had promised it would be ready for pickup after work and that they would NOT be calling yet again just to confirm. A serious lack of respect for keeping your word and valuing your clients' time. I gave another chance and no inventory when I needed something. And then rude service on the phone the third time. I'll be transferring my prescription.

  • Fagnon Stephane

    Fagnon Stephane


    The service is VERY BAD. I bought drugs from the pharmacy inside, and the pharmacy's cashier forgot to de magnetize the drugs. I also bought a cream, which i paid at the main Cashier side. I already had a plastic bag. When i finished paying and headed to the exit the alarm triggered. An agent CAME TO ME TALKING TO ME AS IF I WAS A THIEF. After checking and realizing that it was their mistake HE DID NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE. I wouldn't recommend anyone to go to the Pharmaprix. It's been such a public embarrassment for me although it was not my fault.

  • en

    Stephen Patulli


    Apparently asking the pharmacist for prescription strength drugs is frowned upon here unless you have a prescription. I was very disappointed with the pharmacist's reaction when I asked for some oxys. Oh well.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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